I'll finish the year with a few photos:

First up is the corset I made for 'Performance Costume'
It's not a great photo, not a good colour representation, but I took my camera to college to photograph the corset on a mannequin and then forgot to do it!
Having never made any clothing before I found this quite challenging but very enjoyable.
I added things like padlocks to protect the wealth and money bags to keep it in, an extra large flower, price tags, beads, coins, and 3 watches all on one cuff. Here is my A2 presentation board: (I found the top 2 photos on the internet which seemed to fit perfectly but I can't claim credit for them)
Colour, Line, Pattern, Texture, Rythym, Shape, Form, Balance and Scale and each is made up from cut out magazine photos, fabrics, threads etc.
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to all